Thursday, October 12, 2017

Sara: Day 39

The good news is we have only 3 days of riding left! The better news is last night’s stay was our last in a crummy motel! I’ve been thinking frequently on this trip about Manny Delgado’s observation that “a lot of amenities disappear when an H turns into an M”. Truer words were never spoken.

Today’s 57 mile ride from Sneads to Tallahassee included almost 1400 feet of climbing and didn’t end up serving as the easy day we needed. Sub-60 is supposed to feel like rest! The scenery and riding conditions mimicked yesterday, down to the morning viewing of the spider webs, but the ride into Tallahassee was a tough end to the day. I enjoyed winding through the town, but there was so much traffic and, oh my god, some steep hills!

Tomorrow is Friday the 13th, highs in the 90s, and one of the longest rides of the trip. That will be a good day to get crossed off the list.

Leaving Sneads this morning, headed back to Chattahoochee

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