Monday, September 25, 2017

Sara: Day 22

We woke up to a legitimate rain this morning but, after 3 days of riding in the area, we were finally leaving Del Rio in the dust (or, as it turns out, mud), so we were ready to get on the road. We slept in (hallelujah), ate a big breakfast, said goodbye to Mike (tear), and got dropped off at Johnson Ranch, our stopping point from yesterday, with 40 miles to ride into Camp Wood.

It was a lighter rain than we left in Del Rio, but the first hour and the last hour of the ride were definitely wet, causing me to stumble upon a problem with my mirror. The mirror I picked for this trip attaches to helmet visors or glasses. The helmet I picked for this trip does not have a visor. Upon realizing this in San Diego, I resigned myself to wearing sunglasses every day, all day, so I could use my mirror. I thought it might be a problem in the dark (turns out it’s not), but I did not think about rain before today. I could see the important stuff, but the water and fogginess created a less than desirable visibility situation. Tomorrow I may try fastening the mirror directly to my hair.

From what I could see through my rain glasses, today was a beautiful ride with lush greenery, tree cover, and rolling hills. We also saw some living animals – just a pronghorn and an armadillo, but it was refreshing to see something with a pulse. The 6 restaurants in Camp Wood are all closed on Mondays, so it’s another gas station dinner for us tonight. Mike really did miss out!

Goodbye for another 3-4 weeks :(

Potentially a bad sign they were waiting for us with my mom

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