Tuesday, October 10, 2017

George: Tuesday, 10OCT’17 – Pensacola, FL to Defuniak Springs, FL

What started out as a harrowing ride, turned out to be a pretty good day on the bicycle. I say that because we started later in a lifting fog in the tail end of rush hour traffic. For the first 20 miles it was a repeat of yesterday’s last 12 miles. The endless stream of cars came from every direction as we dealt with on-ramps and off-ramps and driveway cuts, etc. The bike lane was not reliable as it changed width and ended and started at random. At our first stop, I was ready to load the bikes and drive to Defuniak Springs. Of course Sara was having none of it.

At the 20-mile mark we met Susan at the Milton, FL McDonald's. While entering the restaurant, an imperially thin gentleman about my age was exiting his car. I asked if he was a local. Indeed he was and informed me that US 90 east of Milton had a wide berm all the way to our destination. In addition, the traffic was going to subside. With a reassuring comfort in my voice, I shared the good news with Sara.

Leaving McD’s took us into the historic downtown Milton and then over the short Blackwater River Bridge. The traffic was backed up on the bridge for about ¼ mile due to an accident blocking one of the lanes, so we conveniently used the bike trail along the north side of the highway. In no time we were at the front of the line, and then beyond it as the eastbound traffic waited for the westbound traffic to pass the only usable lane. As we moved down US 90, the traffic from behind came in bunches. As promised, the berm widened and the traffic eased.

Twenty miles beyond Milton we found Susan in the parking lot of Susan’s Restaurant. Conveniently, I rolled in with my rear tire flattening. While the ladies went inside to order lunch, I fixed the flat. We agreed afterwards that the meals were mediocre, but the cool indoor air, a place to wash up, and sitting at a table made it a good experience. I forgot to mention that Sara and I had a real milk shake that was super. With half the ride done, and with the clock running, we set out for the next 20-mile leg. With the wind at our back we made good time meeting Susan at a filling station for a quick rest and a snack. We finished off the last 20 miles in good order.

We are feeling pretty good with just five days left before arriving at the Atlantic coast. Stay tuned.

Heading out this morning into 80 degrees,
100% humidity, and heavy fog

Traffic on US 90 heading into Milton

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George: Epilogue - Sunday, 22OCT’17

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