Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Sara: Day 29

Today’s 62 mile ride from Livingston to Jasper presented us with more hills than I would have liked, but it was a good ride, in spite of the climbing, on quiet and scenic roads. The highlight for me was passing a yellow lab and her 4 puppies (one white, one black, and two yellow). She and two other big dogs were chasing us, so it wasn’t a friendly encounter, but adorable nonetheless.

A close second to the puppy sighting is the Italian restaurant we visited for dinner tonight. We’ve been unsuccessfully seeking Italian for weeks and tonight’s dinner at Bella Sera was unexpectedly wonderful. From the house vinaigrette, to the garlic rolls, to the pasta dishes drowning in legit olive oil, to the black forest cheesecake – amazing!

Today is our last day in Texas and, after more than 2 full weeks in this state, exiting tomorrow feels like a pretty significant milestone. Tomorrow is also our longest ride yet, so it will be a pretty big day for us all around.

Leaving Livingston

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