Monday, October 2, 2017

George: Monday, 2OCT’17 – Livingston, TX to Jasper, TX

What a great day to ride a bicycle. Last evening we drove into Livingston from San Antonio after spending the afternoon there. It was an arduous 4-hour drive with a 30-minute delay because of construction in Houston. We arrived in Livingston around 7:30pm and did a quick setup for tomorrow before snacking from the cooler. 

The night was short. On one of my forays to the bathroom, I checked the tires. Sara’s front tire was flat. Quietly, I collected the wheel, keys to the room and car, and headed out the door to fix the flat. In the allotted ten minutes, I was back in bed. I was sleepy in the morning as the alarm called us for duty.

We met in the breakfast room around 7:15 and were out the door in half an hour. The gray clouds hanging overhead worried me the entire route, but we got lucky and the rain held off. It is forecast to rain tonight and tomorrow. The road out of Livingston was a little more than rolling that we expected. After two of these bad boys we settled in for a very nice ride. The wind was rather fickle today, or was it our impression. The SE wind was in our face, but we handled it well. The 20 mph headwind days of West Texas have made us that much stronger.

Very likely because of zoning laws, the homes along US 190 varied considerably. Nicely landscaped brick ranch homes sat next to doublewides ornamented with fenderless, inoperable automobiles.  Our second stop of the day in the cozy little town of Woodville was midway between Livingston and Jasper where Susan was to meet us on the east side of town. We passed through the Alabama Coushatta Indian Reservation complete with the Naskila gambling casino. The traffic was heavy on both ends of the ride and came in quanta in the middle. Trucks represented more than half of the passing vehicles. We were thankful that for nearly the entire 62 miles we had a wide, clean, clear berm.

This restful ride is preparation for tomorrow’s long 93 miler, half in TX and half in LA. It will be our longest scheduled ride on the tour. The flat road will be a plus; the headwind will be a minus. Stay tuned to find out if we are in the black or red.   

Good morning, Livingston

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George: Epilogue - Sunday, 22OCT’17

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