Saturday, September 16, 2017

George: Saturday, 16SEP’17 – Rest day in Las Cruces, NM

The original plan was to conduct a tour of 40 days, and 40 nights. No rest days were planned because Sara is on a schedule. She wanted a few days to recoup when she finished the ride before she went back to work.

The best-laid plans did not worked in this case. I have been fighting a sinus and coughing issue for over a week. Last night it became a concern for me. Here were my thoughts. The prudent thing to do in my case was to use the health care available in this big city. We will be traveling through Texas towns whose names are unrecognizable, and whose populations are less than 1000. The medical system in these small towns consists of a 300-mile drive to a big city medical establishment. Today represented our last in a while where health care is just around the corner.

With my profuse apologies to Sara, we decided to take a day off so that I could visit a clinic in town. Of the several options available to us, this one was the simplest. It was a chance for us to catch up on things we have let languish while we have been on the bike. Unlike our activities while on the tour, the three of us spent the day together. Tonight after dinner we will ready the equipment for a 7:00am departure heading through El Paso for Clint, TX. Stay tuned.

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George: Epilogue - Sunday, 22OCT’17

It has been exactly one week since Sara and I crossed the corporation limit sign for the town of St. Augustine culminating a 42-day, 2760-m...