Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sara: Day 27

We modified the route a bit today and tomorrow so we could spend the night in Johnson City since we liked it so much on our drive through the other day. So today’s ride from Kerrville was a short one at 54 miles and we finished early enough to hit up some previously recommended stops in Hye, a town about 10 miles west of Johnson City. It was a pretty uneventful day on the bike, but a very eventful day for my palate and wallet. It was a good one.

We started at Kuhlman Cellars for their wine tasting with food pairings, which we enjoyed so much we left with some wine and snacks for the road. Next, we stopped by Hye Market, a quirky, toilet-less, restaurant in an old post office, for their sriracha hummus, potato salad, grilled cheese, blackberry ice cream, and cucumber-infused farmhouse ale, all locally sourced and all delightfully delicious.

We made it back to Johnson City in time for another round of damage in our new favorite store, Stidham Outfitters & Custom Leather, which also gave us a chance to thank the owner, Jasmin, for the wonderful recommendations in Hye. After a stop for iced mochas from the “Grumpy Barista” in town, we stumbled upon the Art Walk. The last Saturday of each month, local businesses stay open late and serve complimentary appetizers and cocktails. I could have stayed out until my 8pm bedtime, but my mom figured I’d had enough when I started looking seriously at vintage flight attendant uniforms and made me leave. I love. This place.

Tonight we are staying in the New Life Farms B&B, our first AirBnB experience on this trip. We were lucky to get a room since the other motels and B&Bs in town were sold out – and what a find! The property is the perfect, quaint, farmhouse setting (complete with dogs, CATS, guineas, and a horse) and Amy and Michael are such gracious hosts.

I’ve really loved everything about our stay in this town and hope to return in the not too distant future. 

Sporting the Texas-themed socks Jasmin
gave us during our first trip to Stidham's

Johnson City, TX - my new favorite town

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