Monday, September 11, 2017

Sara: Day 7

ONE WEEK DOWN! And only 5 to go!

Today’s ride from Buckeye to Apache Junction was another great one. My body is still somewhat wrecked, but I am getting stronger every day. My mom reminded me yesterday that I have the “mind of an athlete, just not the body of an athlete”. That’s why we keep her around, folks – cold, hard dose of reality.

I crashed my bike today (apparently I don’t have the dexterity of an athlete either, Mom). And on a bike trail of all places. I guess you can’t really consider it a “crash” if your bike doesn’t actually tip over and you don’t actually fall off. We were crossing a bridge and I rode into a big slit between the planks. You know how sometimes you look long enough at an obstacle thinking “I need to avoid that” and you are actually drawn to it? Yeah, that’s what happened. Anyway, my back wheel dropped through the gap and was caught by the rear derailleur – the bike stayed wedged upright and I stayed on it for the most part. 

I’d say it was the best case scenario.

George didn't think McDonald's would appreciate us taking the bikes
inside - apparently they aren't worried about their landscaping

Tempe, AZ - the Venice of the South

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