Friday, September 22, 2017

George: Friday, 22SEP’17 – Sanderson, TX to Langtry, TX

We ate dinner last evening in the hotel room. The fold down table stationed against the front window worked perfectly with the three room chairs. Dinner consisted of a sundry collection of purchases from the stop-n-go across the street. It was actually quite convenient if you were not interested in real food. It was our best option in Sanderson.

During dinner we discussed options for tomorrow’s anticipated tough ride. I submitted my two cents, but it was not even a consideration. I was certain that the ride would be a meat grinder. The elevation gains were 2300 up and 3800 down. The wind was forecast to be 20 mph all day with gusts to 30, in our face. We were going to ride from here to there, into a relentless wind.

We got on the road before the sun came up to allow extra time in case we needed it. We have a full complement of lights, so illumination was not a problem. Leaving early also gave us a head start on the wind that was only churning up at a rate of 16 mph. Mother Nature must not be a morning person. We made exceptionally good time in spite of the headwind. Downhill east out of Sanderson we continued to follow the Sanderson Canyon. It had been with us since midday yesterday for about 30 miles. Today, at about the 15-mile mark, we climbed out of the Canyon for the last time. The continuous downhill was over and we entered rolling terrain. On the uphills we pedaled against a subdued wind until near the top when the invisible bandit came roaring over the rim. On the downhills we had to pedal so as not to come to a stop. The rolling terrain gave way to flat land meaning that we had no respite from the wind. For nearly the entire 60 miles I used only my three biggest rear cogs. It was pathetic. We stopped in Langtry where Susan picked us up. We drove to Del Rio for better accommodations and in the morning Susan will return us to Langtry to finish the 60-mile ride back to Del Rio. Oh for the comforts of a nice hotel.

Now for the good news: Mike flew into San Antonio, rented a car and is on his way to Del Rio where we will spend two nights together.  The four of us will make an effort to enjoy the attractions of the town in between the bicycle riding part. Stay tuned.

Our overcast morning

One of the day's many climbs

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George: Epilogue - Sunday, 22OCT’17

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