Wednesday, September 6, 2017

George: Wednesday, 6SEP'17 – Jucumba, CA to El Centro, CA

This morning we met in the Resort dining room for a wonderful breakfast. All in all, the stay here was outstanding in spite of the well-worn room. We pulled out of the parking lot at 8:00am with the assurance that the road to El Centro was “all down hill.”

The first 6 miles were on Old US Highway 80. We had been on the road for practically the entire route yesterday. The road did go up and we wondered what we missed in the assurances at breakfast. The scenery was unique. The boulders strewn throughout made the land look like the top of a loaf of Panera bread. At the end of the 6 miles we entered I-8 heading east toward El Centro. The downhill began. For 11 miles we went from an elevation of 3000 feet down to sea level. The signs on the road reminded us: 3000’; 2000’; 1000’. Even though the berm was wide and newly paved we traveled downhill at about 16 mph.

Finally we reached Exit 89 – Ocotillo.  It was good to return to regular roads, except that the Evans-Hewes Highway was paved like the back of an alligator. We weaved back and forth across the road trying to find the smoothest path as we moved east toward El Centro looming 30 miles away. The road pavement was not the only enemy today. The thermometer was moving up as though someone put a match under the mercury bulb. We left I-8 with a temperature of 95 and by the time we reached the city park in Seeley, CA, the temperature had reached 102. We sat in the van under the cool air blowing out of the vents. It was welcome relief. When we finally arrived in El Centro, it was 107. The temperature had sapped much of my energy. 

We went to dinner early and will get to bed early tonight. With tomorrow’s temperatures forecast to reach 105, we plan to leave as early as 5:00am. 

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George: Epilogue - Sunday, 22OCT’17

It has been exactly one week since Sara and I crossed the corporation limit sign for the town of St. Augustine culminating a 42-day, 2760-m...