Friday, September 15, 2017

Sara: Day 12

Today’s ride from Deming to Las Cruces was a 63 mile ride, very similar to yesterday. It was pretty uneventful, so only a few things to report from the road.
  1. The grasshoppers returned for the middle stretch of our ride, but today they were brown instead of green and much livelier than yesterday. One jumped on my leg and one on my shoe. They were so dense I could feel the weight of the bug through my shoe. It caused a scene.
  2. The gift shop we passed today was advertising “guy stuff”. I’ve got to get to the bottom of this marketing campaign.
  3. We had a beautiful ride coming into town today with the backdrop of the rugged Organ Mountains and the crossing of the Rio Grande. I really like this town.
I’m sad today is our last day in New Mexico. Tomorrow, it's on to Texas for 2 full weeks. I’ve loved the great weather, good roads, friendly people, and hatch chilies they put on everything – pizza, salads, eggs, etc. It really is the Land of Enchantment. 

Ready for our 7am departure

Organ Mountains coming into Las Cruces

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