Friday, September 15, 2017

Sara: Day 11

Today was a lot of fun! We saw all sorts of entertaining things on the 61 mile ride from Lordsburg to Deming and I can honestly say I loved every minute of it. It certainly didn’t hurt that we finished in under 5 hours.

Last night when my parents were discussing the route for today, I heard my dad explaining that, at one point, we would be climbing over a barbed wire fence to get back onto the interstate at the frontage road dead end. He casually described how one of us would climb over first, then we’d “just pass the bikes through” as my mom listened in disbelief. I was just excited to see this thing play out, assuming we’d attempt, tear some clothes, fail, then back-track to the last entrance ramp. As it turns out, my dad was right. The construction of those fences isn’t overly complicated and, aside from an unfortunate run-in with an ant hill, it was relatively easy to circumnavigate. Who knew? He told me after the successful crossing there would be two more in the route tomorrow.

The theme of today was grasshoppers. They were everywhere. If you’ve read my dad’s blog, I can assure you these were larger than a medjool date. They were the size of your thumb – the whole thumb, down to the wrist. The guys that weren’t already dead or injured from traffic were jumping all over the shoulder. It was a good day to wear pants.

Heading into our first rest stop at a randomly placed southwestern gift shop, we started seeing a slew of billboards advertising their products – handmade blankets, turquoise jewelry, Native American pottery, girl stuff. Girl stuff? What the hell is “girl stuff”? And what is it doing on a billboard?

When we arrived, the place was completely empty aside from two maintenance guys at the entrance of the parking lot. Their presence was challenging my tarantula-induced cement-only pit stop rule, so I trudged off to find some bushes. The place was still crawling in grasshopper monsters, though, so I came back and asked my mom to drive me to the front of the (presumably closed) store so I could angle myself between the store and the van for some privacy. It was only as we were pulling away that we noticed the “yes, we’re open!” sign on the door behind me. Too bad – now there was no way I could go in to check out their “girl stuff”.

We met another cyclist at this same stop who had already traveled 11,000 miles (yes, thousand, not a typo), was riding alone, carrying all of his equipment, camping at nights, and riding 100 miles a day. I felt a little bad about our 3,000 mile, mom-supported, motel-booking trip in comparison… until I was sitting in an air-condition car 20 miles down the road eating Cheez-Its.

Deming is a charming little town full of very friendly people. Tonight we ate dinner at a quirky Italian place called Forghedaboudit. It had a Sopranos motif and excellent pizza. 

Blurry, because I was running away, but you get the idea... monsters!
Exit here for Girl Stuff

This prompted a healthy brainstorming session
with my mom regarding the goings on in this truck

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