Saturday, September 23, 2017

George: Saturday, 23SEP’17 – Langtry, TX to Del Rio, TX

Today, I used all my wits to move the Mighty Basso from Langtry to Del Rio. To wit, the bicycle is much like a musical instrument. The player (rider) sizes up several factors and then plucks the bike. Factors to finesse include, but are not limited to, road surface and incline, weather, wind direction, rider fatigue, etc. It was as grueling as the day before, but worse because of the weariness in my legs from yesterday.

A rider moving down the road creates a slipstream, a wake of air similar to a boat wake. Water skiers know how to play the wake of a boat; experienced cyclists know how to play the slipstream to their advantage, expending 10-15% less energy. I have made it a practice to use other riders’ legs to move myself down the road.

After three weeks, 20 days of riding, I can without bias say that Sara has become an accomplished rider. She is playing the bicycle like a musical instrument. Today, it all came together. As a self-defense for both of us, we drafted for a good part of the ride battling the wind for the entire ride.

The complimentary breakfast was early today as we had 60 miles of driving to the start. A quick breakfast and we were on the road by 6:30. An hour later, at Langtry, we unloaded the bikes. It was just dawn with the clouds as thick as pea soup. Susan drove 17 miles east on US 90 to the bridge spanning the Pecos River. At that point the River is just a few miles from its confluence with the Rio Grande. We arrived in just under two hours spending 15 minutes taking photos, resting and such. Our next stop was Comstock, 12 miles further on. Comstock was to be an overnight, but our plans changed for the better. We are staying in Del Rio for two nights, Mike arrived last evening and Comstock is a small collection of dilapidated buildings. Two rest stops later and we rolled into Del Rio with a travel time of 7:15.

Tomorrow we head for Camp Wood, TX, practically a carbon copy of Comstock. It will be interesting. Stay tuned.    

View from the road

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