Sunday, September 17, 2017

Sara: Day 14

Today’s 65 mile ride from Las Cruces to Clint welcomed us to Texas. SR 28 out of Las Cruces this morning was as lovely a road as any – lush green vegetation, pecan groves shading the road, a scenic mountain backdrop whenever we caught a break in the trees, and two more crossings of the Rio Grande, all with wide, clean shoulders and light traffic. As if to validate our infatuation with the route, we passed probably 50 cyclists in our 2 hours on that road (well, I saw 50 but my dad saw 100 and my mom saw 70). It’s amazing how comforting a little foliage and other humans on the road can feel after days of little but sun, dust, and arid landscape. It was a great ride.

At one point we startled an animal that took off running down the road alongside us, then cut back on a ridge through the crops. He had the coloring, build, and speed of a fox, but, I kid you not, the face of a bulldog. If it had been a dog, I imagine he’d be running at us, like all the other dogs we’ve encountered, not away from us, so I spent some time this afternoon Googling fox-dog hybrids. Turns out that’s not a thing, so the mystery remains.  

We got another 2 flats just before crossing into Texas and noticed a third over lunch, bringing our total to a whopping 15 flats in 13 days of riding. My dad is confident we’ll see a reduction in our flat rate once we are done using the interstate on Tuesday. In the meantime, we’ll continue to fill our evenings inspecting our tires for debris and patching our tubes.

Pecan grove providing cover on SR 28

Almost to the TX border

Caught George taking a call on the stationary bike
after our ride - the meds are apparently working
Asked my mom if the Restaurant in Clint was part of the
motel or part of the gas station - her response was "yes"

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