Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Sara: Day 1

I haven’t been on a bike since November 5, 2011. Sorry, Mike would call me out for exaggerating – in late May I rode up and down the street a couple of times so my dad could fit me to the bike and in June I spent 20 minutes on a stationary bike while finishing an episode of The Americans in preparation for this trip.

Glad to have that off my chest.

So, I spent most of the ride from San Diego to Alpine reminding myself why I wanted to do this. I wanted to cross-off a bucket list item that was only becoming less realistic each day. I wanted to take an epic road trip with my parents. I wanted to see what cycling is really all about since several family members love this sport. And, I really want to lose 3 pounds.

Today’s ride was a short 32 miles (thanks for easing me into it, Dad!), but a hilly 32 miles. While I was exhausted by the end, I did learn a few things along the way:
  1. How you place the GoPro in the mount does matter. I now have 477 photos of Day 1 in “portrait” orientation, which is essentially just a shot of the pavement.
  2. My reflector vest makes me look like a crossing guard.
  3. Similar to flying, take-off and landing are the most dangerous parts of biking… at least for me. Clipless pedals are a harsh mistress.
  4. My dad is a very patient man.
  5. Biking shorts are meant to be worn without underwear. On an unrelated note, the chamois butter with the added “cooling effect” was the right choice.

What I did not learn today, but spent a long time contemplating, was how slowly the bike has to be moving before it tips over. I keep hearing tomorrow is “the most difficult day of the trip”, so I expect to find out then. I’ll report back.

1 comment:

George: Epilogue - Sunday, 22OCT’17

It has been exactly one week since Sara and I crossed the corporation limit sign for the town of St. Augustine culminating a 42-day, 2760-m...