Thursday, September 7, 2017

Sara: Day 3

Today’s ride from Jacumba to El Centro was a good one. While the 17-mile descent on the way out of Jacumba was a welcome change from yesterday’s climbing, believe me, riding your brakes for an hour on a 6% grade is no walk in the park. I’m assuming the feeling in my hands will return in a few days.

My dad didn’t exactly call me out in his post, but I’m clearly the reason we were going down the newly paved, wide-shouldered hill at 16mph as opposed to the 40mph he would have preferred. I like to think I was doing the family a service forcing him to slow down on the windy, steep, semi-filled interstate (where ~8 of the 17 miles were “prohibited for cyclists and pedestrians”) – not just that I’m a huge baby. You’re welcome, guys.

The rest of the ride was flat – now we’re talking. I finally had some time to think about something other than moving forward, remaining upright, and staying alive. I used the time to make sure I still remembered all of the US state capitols. Missouri and Pennsylvania always trip me up – I was glad to have George “the Human Encyclopedia” Marketos there to give me hints. Also to inform me that Phoenix is the largest of the state capitols and Jefferson City is one of five state capitols not serviced by an interstate (as if that was the hint that would tip me off on Missouri’s capitol).

Tonight we are staying in a Fairfield Inn and, having slept in one most of the nights over the last year, it almost felt like coming home. Having Olive Garden for dinner didn’t hurt either!

Over the mountains...

...and through the desert, to El Centro we go

Rest stop

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